How A Buyer Sees A Junk Room: And What To Do About It

Posted on: 31 March 2015

One of the best parts of being an "empty-nester" is the ability to use your children's rooms in any way you want. If you have used one of them as a junk room, then you are one of many who have claimed this rite of passage into this new season of your life. However, if you want to sell your home, buyers may see this room and think that you're just messy.
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Questions And Answers About Renovation Building Inspection

Posted on: 9 March 2015

Modern buildings are highly-complex structures, and if they are not built to the needed safety codes, it is possible for the entire structure to be at risk of collapse. Not surprisingly, building inspections are a routine part of the modern construction process, but many homeowners are shocked to learn that they will need an inspection for many renovation projects. Yet, if you have limited knowledge or experience with building inspections, the following two questions and answers may be useful to you:
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What You Should Do Before Buying A New Home

Posted on: 25 February 2015

Buying a new home is a large investment. The first thing you should know is that you will be working closely with the builder. That makes a lot of sense because you want the builder to present you with a finished home that is built on the specifications you both agreed on in the planning and design stages. Choose a Builder With No Financial Baggage Do a little investigating to find out whether the builder you plan to hire has a financially sound background.
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