These Gift Ideas For Referrals Can Keep Your Real Estate Clients Happy
Posted on:
27 January 2017
When you work as a real estate agent, referrals are likely a big part of your business. While traditional forms of advertising and online advertising can be effective, there's arguably nothing quite as satisfying as having a prospective client call you up because your name was recommended by the person's family member, friend, co-worker, or neighbor who was a previous client of yours. Picking up a new client because he or she was referred to you can net you thousands of dollars, so it's nice to show your appreciation with a gift for your original client who made the referral to you and helped your business.
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Things To Prepare In Advance Of Renting Your First Apartment
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27 January 2017
The idea of renting your first apartment may have you dreaming of decorating your own space and feeling like you're moving up in the world, but it's important to keep your feet on the ground so that you can be ready when an opportunity comes up. In many cities, the process of renting real estate like an apartment is highly competitive; when an opening is available, it may only be available for a matter of hours before someone else secures a lease.
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Purchasing Real Estate: 3 Tips That Will Help You Make A Better And More Informed Offer
Posted on:
27 January 2017
When it's time to finally start a family of your own and to build or buy your dream house, you can join over 52% of Americans who were surveyed in 2015 who said they were buying a place in the next 5 years by starting your search for your dream house as soon as possible. Even with the help of a real estate agent, it might still take you years to find a place that you like.
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Tips for a Quick Home Sale in a Slow Market
Posted on:
20 January 2017
If you must quickly sell your family's house to move closer to where your ill parent lives, start your new job, or deal with other circumstances, then you will be happy to know this is something that can be accomplished. There are many specific things you can do to improve your chances of getting purchase offers for your home in a slow real estate market. To ensure your success, here are some tips for quickly selling your home in a slow real estate market:
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