What Every Home Seller Should Know About Yard Preparation And Curb Appeal

Posted on: 21 May 2016

When you're trying to set your home apart amidst a crowded and competitive housing sales market, one of the things you need to consider is the general curb appeal. The first thing buyers will see in your house is the landscaping, so you need to be sure that it draws people in instead of driving them away. If you've been putting it off because you don't have the budget for it, there are some things you can do in a really cost-effective way.
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2 Ways A Real Estate Title Service Can Help You

Posted on: 16 May 2016

A real estate title service is one of the most important services involved with a real estate purchase, mostly because they can offer protection for both the lender and you as the homeowner. Listed below are two ways that a real estate title service can help you when you are looking to buy a home or other piece of real estate. Property Investigation One of the first ways a title service will help you out is by investigating the property that you are considering buying.
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Ideas For Your New Vacation Home

Posted on: 10 June 2015

If you have purchased land meant for a vacation home, you are indeed lucky! Whether it's a weekend retreat or a home that will be used for for longer periods of time, getting away from a busy life can be a dream come true. If you are trying to decide what to do about the type of house you want, here are some ideas for you. Roughing It - Of course, if you want to keep things extremely basic, you can simply camp out.
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The Four Downfalls Of "For Sale By Owner"

Posted on: 3 June 2015

You may have done a little research about selling your home and have come to the conclusion that you should just try to do it yourself. After all, you know your home and neighborhood better than any professional real estate agent could, and you can just pocket those commission fees that realtors charge. Before you make a move that you might regret, read below for four reasons why listing your home as for sale by owner (FSBO) could be a bad idea.
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